hittite|hittites in English


[Hit·tite || 'hɪtaɪt]

member of an ancient people in northern Syria and Asia Minor during the second millenium BC; extinct language of this people

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Below are sample sentences containing the word "hittite|hittites" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "hittite|hittites", or refer to the context using the word "hittite|hittites" in the English Dictionary.


2. To Syria, Hittites: Horses, Chariots

3. A Hittite inscription, you say?

4. Esau’s two Hittite wives (34, 35)

5. ‘The people who took over the Amorites were the Hittites.’

6. The Arameans (as well as the Hittites) are mentioned in the Bible

7. Kadesh, however, soon reverted to Hittite control because the Egyptians did not or could not maintain a permanent military occupation of Kadesh and Amurru which were close to the Hittite homelands.

8. Bathsheba was the wife of Uriah the Hittite, a warrior in King David's army

9. A Late Hittite Rock-Relief on the River Karasu" Anatolian Studies 27, 1977, pp. 167–173.

10. Unlike the situation in the Old Assyrian period, the Anatolian metal trade was effectively dominated by the Hittites and the Hurrians.

11. In time, Rebekah expressed the distress she would experience if their son Jacob was to marry a Hittite.

12. Hittite prosperity largely depended on their control of trade routes and natural resources, specifically metals.

13. Shevoroshkin have established that the language of the Carians belongs to the Hittite-Luwian (Luvian) group of Indo-European languages.

14. Interestingly, the Bicephalous eagle is a ubiquitous and truly ancient symbol with examples in Sumerian, Hittite and Babylonian

15. 10 words related to Albanian: Albania, Republic of Albania, European, Indo-European language, Indo-Hittite, Indo-European, Gheg, Gheg dialect, Tosk

16. Bathsheba is an Israelite, but because she was married to Uriah the Hittite, some interpreters thought that she was also a foreigner

17. 3:5 בַּת־שׁוּעַ), wife of David and mother of Solomon.Bathsheba was originally the wife of Uriah the Hittite, one of David’s warriors

18. The Asiatics against whom Tutankhamun fights are depicted as standard Canaanite types, not as Hittites, The Syro-Palestinians, as they appear in scenes of foreign tribute in the tomb of the vizier Rekhmire, in the heraldic image of Asiatic combat on the chariot of Thutmose IV, and the Hittites in the later war tableaux of Seti I, routinely

19. Bathsheba is one of the four women mentioned in Jesus’ genealogy in Matthew, though she is not named but referred to as “the wife of Uriah the Hittite.”.

20. David asked his servants about her and was told she was Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah the Hittite, one of David’s mighty men (2 Samuel 23:39).

21. Per'izzites (21 Occurrences) of that land unto a good land and a large, unto a land flowing with milk and honey; unto the place of the Canaanite, and the Hittite, and the Amorite, …

22. Ankara (formerly Angora) originally was a Hittite settlement and remained a provincial city throughout its history, except when it was made capital of the Celtic kingdom of Galatia (284 b.c.e

23. Bathsheba, also spelled Bethsabee, in the Hebrew Bible (2 Samuel 11, 12; 1 Kings 1, 2), wife of Uriah the Hittite; she later became one of the wives of King David and the mother of King Solomon.

24. Indo-European *t Assibilated to a (posterior) affricate before /i j/ in Hittite (see 19a), e.g., the suffix *-tjo-in [hante-t [??]ja] 'last', and [ha:nt [??]] 'in front' (from an earlier form with a final */i/).

25. (2), in Numbers 13:29the Amorites are described as dwelling in the mountains like the Hittites and Jebusites of Jerusalem, while the Amalekites or Bedouins lived in the south and the Canaanites on the seacoast and in the valley of the Jordan.